
We are blessed with great staff, elders, and ministry team leaders at Northern Hills Christian Church.


Ken Nichols, Senior Minister
Jalen Redburn, Associate/Youth Minister
Bev Nichols, Children’s Director
Debbie Winkle, Secretary


Martin Gleason—Chairman of the Elders
Dave Baur—Vice Chairman
Brandon Wilson—Secretary
Jim Chandler
Steve Herlinger

Ministry Team Leaders

Audio & Lighting: Andy Sorentino
Building & Grounds: Bill Katz
Children’s Ministry: Bev Nichols
Fellowship: Don and Debbie Winkle
Finance: Jim Emerson
First Impressions: Steve Herlinger
Grace Meals: Kim Sorentino
Missions: Chris Rogers
Prayer: Lynn Seta
TAG: Beverly Zalar
Technical Services: Ed Reich
Worship Support: Martin Gleason, Terry Hartley, Don Winkle