Ken Nichols – Senior Minister
Ken Nichols – Senior Minister
MINISTRY – A great deal has changed over the last 25 years. NHCC has grown, though not phenomenally. We’ve changed to stay current, adopted a different name, altered our style of worship, and added to our facilities. The world is different than a few years ago. What has not aged is the power of the gospel to make a difference. After 25 years with NHCC and almost 30 years in the ministry I still enjoy leading someone to Jesus Christ more than anything else. We are blessed with a spirit of love and unity that is all too rare. We function as a family and the leadership works together as a team. I’ve been blessed to be a part of the family and the team. If you are looking for more than just a place to attend church, if you are looking for a church where you can be part of the family, check us out.
CALLING – I was born in a preacher’s home. In fact the Nichols’ family is full of preachers. Persistent, competitive, and energetic summarizes my life as the boy who wanted to be a preacher like his dad. In 1985, I received a Bachelor of Biblical Literature and a Bachelor of Theology from Ozark Bible College. My study there included a triple major in Old Testament, New Testament, and Biblical Languages. In 1989 I received a Master of Arts in theology from Cincinnati Bible Seminary. In 1991 I completed a Master of Divinity in Theology (also from CBS). I have been the preaching minister for this church body. Back in my earlier years few could believe that someone so young was really the “Senior Minister.” The years now betray me and some think of me as “The Very Senior Minister.”
FAMILY – In 1991, I married Bev Powell. Without a doubt, the best years of ministry with NHCC have been with Bev by my side. In so many ways she is perfectly suited to the role of preacher’s wife. She grew up in a preacher’s home, graduated from Cincinnati Bible College, did mission work in Ireland, and loves the Lord with all her heart. God has blessed our home with three children Luke (1993), Brooke (1995), and Matthew (1997). They keep us young and grounded. Nothing is more important to us than their faithfulness to the Lord.